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Filth And Wisdom (2008)

Titulo Original: Filth And Wisdom
Tamanho: 700 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês/Russo/Hindi
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 81 min
Release: VoMiT
Género: Comédia | Drama | Música | Romance

After more than two decades as one of the world’s most recognizable stars, Madonna steps behind the camera for the first time with this comedy drama about a handful of bohemians struggling to make a name for themselves in London, which she both wrote and directed. A.K. is a Ukrainian émigré and struggling musician who fronts a band blending gypsy music with punk rock. Still coming to terms with a childhood pock-marked by abuse, A.K. believes that one has to confront the seamy side of life to find enlightenment, and with this in mind he supports himself by torturing masochists for money while dressed in military gear. Living in the same decaying apartment block as A.K. is Holly, a gifted dancer who dreams of becoming a ballet star, though now she’s forced to degrade herself as a stripper at a “gentleman’s nightclub.”


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