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Cry of the Owl (2009)


Titulo Original: Cry of the Owl
Tamanho: 713 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 99 min
Release: RUBY
Género: Drama

Based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith (The Talented Mr. Ripley), “Cry of the Owl” is the story of a troubled young man, Robert, who leaves the big city and his ex-wife for the tranquility of a small town. He finds respite from his problems by secretly watching the normal domestic life of a woman he doesn’t know through her kitchen window. But when Jenny catches Robert in the act, she doesn’t call the police. Instead she feels a strange empathy for Robert and invites him into her home. Robert is drawn into a relationship with Jenny, which has dire consequences when her boyfriend Greg finds out. Immediately suspicious of Robert, Greg makes it his mission to destroy him. But when a fight leaves Greg unconscious and missing, Robert discovers he is the number one suspect in a murder case that is slowly beginning to look like the ultimate set-up.


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