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Far Cry (2008)


Titulo Original: Far Cry
Tamanho: 700 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 90 min
Release: BeStDivX
Género: Acção | Aventura | Drama

In a mysterious nearby forest, a group of mercenaries are attacked. A scientist, Dr. Krieger, watches this from a secret research facility, obviously pleased with the results of his work, which is the cause of the death (which is unknown) of the mercenaries. In Seattle, a veteran newspaper editor makes arrangements to send his two archrival reporters, Tom Moore and Valerie Constantine, to check out the mysterious reports coming from an island in the Pacific Northwest. Once on the island, it doesn’t take long for the duo and their Captain, Jack Carver (Schweiger), to find trouble. The main mercenary commander Maria Sanchez immediately tries to capture them. Valerie and Jack manage to escape but Tom is killed. The mercenaries are hot on their heels and Valerie and Jack argue about their plan. Jack wants to get off the island as quickly as possible by reaching his friend Emilio. Valerie, a seasoned reporter, wants to gather more evidence for her story. After several dramatic chases and an encounter with the strange creatures, Valerie, Jack and Emilio are captured and brought to Kreiger. Krieger wants Valerie to join him in reporting his accomplishments to the world. Meanwhile, in the lab, the creature escapes and tries to kill Jack. Jack and Emilio manage to elude the creature but others in the compound are not as lucky. The creature corners Valerie and she narrowly escapes death as Emilio and Jack reach her just in time. The loss of control sends Sanchez into a fury. Jack and Valerie are pursued by Sanchez as they make a frantic attempt to get off the island and alert the world.


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