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Classic Car Racing-FLT

Published by: 1C Company
Developed by: Xbow Software
Game Type: Racing
Size: 592.97 MB
Image Format: ISO
Release date: 28/05/2oo8
Protection: None
Cracked/Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT
System Requirements: Computer


When your life seems to be one long traffic jam and more of your time is spent on the "home-work-home" driving route its time to get back to what driving is all about.

Classic Car Racing will give you the chance to escape the rat race and experience the thrill of driving classic cars from the 1940's-60's. Crank up the cool driving tunes and head for the beach as you cruise around in stylish automobiles enjoying the sun, sea, beautiful landscapes and pretty girls on vacation! So get out of the city and say no to faceless modern commuter cars and get back to the retro driving experience of Classic Cars Racing.

- Unique "car park" which consists of stylish automobiles from the 1940’s-60’s to drive.
- 14 cabriolets to drive.
- 16 routes with the total length of 92 kilometers.
- Bright, colorful graphics with vivid landscapes.
- Dynamic music to enhance the driving mood.
- Eternal summer by the sea.

Instrucções para jogar
Burn or Mount

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