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The Inhabited Island Fight (2009)


Titulo Original: Obitaemyy ostrov: Skhvatka
Tamanho: 705.57 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Russo
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 103 min
Release: FiCO
Género: Fantasia | Ficção Científica

After long years of nuclear war, an environmental crisis reigns over the planet; the society is overburdened with social problems; and the established peace is quite shaky. Maxim Kamerrer barely stays alive through a number of dangerous adventures and decides to leave the country.
Piloted by the 22-year-old in a Russian spacecraft, he crashes into the distant planet of Saraksh which is now inhabited by other humans. And this is only the first part of the movie. The second part promises to be even more adventurous and thrilling where Maxim will face new enemies and will finally come to understand the way people live on this new planet. But will he come back home? To find out, you’ll have to watch it to the end. The book ‘Inhabited Island’, was written in 1968 by the Strugatsky Brothers. It became quite dissident in the population it inhabited, but even today remains one of the most popular novels in domestic science fiction.

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