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Lost Roads Races (Full/2009/Eng)

Release: 2008
Platform: PC
Genre: Racing
Developer: Sierra
Language: English

Lost Road Races - racing arcade is where you will take part in the legendary races, along with celebrities. The game consists of 17 well-known tracks, which for many years held the extreme competition. Manage bolides flying with prohibitive rate - is no easy task. A realistic physical model will allow you to fully enjoy the complexity of this sport. To come in first, you must take into account many factors. For example, do not try to enter in the bend at high speed, if the check takes place in rainy weather. Live guitar music, visual effects and special arcade camera behavior will make your arrival at the track deliriously entertaining.

Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
System requirements: PII-800 / 128Mb RAM / 32M Video 3D, DirectX 9.0

33 MB

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