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Mulligans (2008)


Titulo Original: Mulligans
Tamanho: 700.26 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 1h 30min
Release: DOMiNO
Género: Drama

When Tyler Davidson brings his college buddy Chase home for the summer holidays a secret is revealed that threatens to tear his perfect family apart. This summer two young men discover the importance of friendship and second chances. The Davidson family appears practically perfect in every way. Chase arrives in the quaint cottage town of Prospect Lake and is faced with the challenge of controlling his attraction for Tylers father, Nathan. But Chase isnt the only one with a wandering eye Nathan struggles to resist his feelings for his son’s best friend while safeguarding his life long secret to protect his family. What would you do if the one thing you wanted could ruin your life? The Davidson family’s world is set to collapse as the affair is discovered. Can a man keep his family and still hold onto himself?

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