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Still Life 2-CPY


In Fall 2008, Agent McPherson is sent to Maine where Audrey Dunnigan's body has just been found. The modus operandi and the video sent to the police and press leave them in no doubt as to the killer's identity: the East Coast Torturer has struck again! No clues are picked up during the autopsy, as the serial killer painstakingly washed the body. Once again, the killer has not committed any errors. From her motel room, McPherson comes across a report by Paloma Hernandez, the journalist covering all the crimes bearing the East Coast Torturer's signature. Hernandez has been highly critical of the FBI's and McPherson's lack of progress. That does not stop Hernandez from phoning and asking McPherson to meet her later that evening. Hernandez claims to have some so-called clues on the killer in her possession. McPherson flatly refuses. Just moments later, Hernandez is kidnapped by the Tortur...

Still Life 2 remains true to the spirit of its first installment and continues to allow gamers to play and manage two characters bound by the same fate. This time, the aim is for gamers to control two heroines, see the game from two complementary viewpoints and experience two different gameplays. Depending on whether they are playing the victim (Paloma Hernandez) being hunted by the killer or the FBI agent (Victoria McPherson) tracking him down, gamers can alternate between survival and investigation.

Release Group: CPY
Release Name: Still.Life.2-CPY
Release Date: 13/05/2009
Plataforma: PC
Género: Aventura
Formato: ISO
Tamanho: 3.72 GB

Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 2 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 4 GB Free
Placa Gráfica: 128 MB (NVidia GeForce 6600)

Instrucções para jogar
Burn or Mount the image
Install the game
Overwrite the files from the Crack dir


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