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Terrorist Takedown War In Colombia

Platform: PC
Genre: Action
Developer: City Interactive
Language: English
Size: 289.91 MB

It began when U.S. Army 'advisers' came under fire while spraying defoliant on coca crops east of Bogota. Within hours it had escalated into full-scale war.
The Army had stumbled upon the main operation of the Bendicion drug cartel the biggest in Colombia. And now it faced a ruthless enemy with more men and the best weapons that drug money could buy.
The uphill battle opens up a rare opportunity. Bendicion's three drug lords are all on site. Jose Esquilla is the man who runs the campesinos and is successfully growing coca faster than the U.S. can spray it. Nelson Sadilla is the man who manufactures the cocaine paste with brutal efficiency. And Tomas Alphonso Archangel is the ex-paramilitary mastermind that now protects every phase of the multi-billon-dollar operation with well-equipped footsoldiers, tanks, missiles and planes.
Eager to retire these three kingpins, the U.S. Government mobilizes Captain Jake Jeffers to the hot zone. Can one man penetrate the drug lords' massive defenses and turn the tide of jungle war? If he's a Vector for the U.S. black operation OGA-CID, he has a fighting chance.

Requisitos Mínimos
Processor 1,6GHz CPU
Win 98/2000/XP
Ati Radeon 8500 or GeForce4 with 128MB RAM - DirectX compatible sound card
3GB Free Hard Drive Space


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