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Ibid (2008)


Titulo Original: Ibid
Tamanho: 698 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 1h 28min
Release: DOMiNO
Género: Comédia

"Ibid" - Following in the footsteps of Laurel and Hardy, Jake and Elwood, Raoul and Dr. Gonzo; Lionel (Christian Campbell) and Tin (Russell Friedenberg) are on an ill-fated but well scripted journey into the depths of the American psyche - in "Ibid." Recently escaped from Trinity Psychiatric Center, an 'alternative' institution for the wayward, the pair hits the road on a mission from God. Appearing in the form of aged cowboy named Don, the Almighty enlists Lionel and Tin to inscribe the NEW WAYS TO BE (addendum to the Ten Commandments) in order to save the world from it's ultimate destruction; rumored to be soon. Plagued by their own madness they begin to uncover their own dark past which might ultimately lead to their undoing, or at the very least, a serious re-write.

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