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Second Coming (2009)


Titulo Original: Second Coming
Tamanho: 725.81 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 1h 29min
Release: VoMiT
Género: Acção | Drama | Terror | Thriller

Growing up as identical twin sisters, Lora and Ashley Gerritson always had a special psychic bond. When one would feel pain, sorrow or happiness, the other felt it too. While Lora left the small town that haunted her as a child to become a successful photographer in the big city, her sister, Ashley, remained to live a simple life working at the local diner with her friend Maggie. Lora's life is suddenly changed when she begins to receive chilling visions from her sister, Ashley. Something is horribly wrong...she can feel it. Lora knows she must return to the small town of her childhood to find Ashley. She begins to realize that Barry Drake, a well-loved, upstanding member of the community, may hold the key to finding Ashley. There is something dark and unsettling about him. As the visions become stronger, she feels that time is running out. Prepare yourself for a game of cat and mouse that unfolds to reveal the mystery of a sister's "Second Coming".


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