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Tom and Jerrys Greatest Chases V2 (2009)

Titulo Original: Tom and Jerry's Greatest Chases: Volume two
Tamanho: 700 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 106 min
Release: ViSiON
Género: Comédia | Animação | Familia | Infantil

It's a well-known fact: cats chase mice. And it's also well known that nobody aces the art of the animated chase than Tom and Jerry. This fast paced collection serves up 14 more of their funniest faceoffs that the whole family will live. Tom throws a tantrum when a girl dresses him as a baby in Sufferin' Cats. Jerry can't stop laughing...but he gets into some Academy Award winning Mouse Trouble when Tom tries every trick from the book Hot To Trap A Mouse. Jerry's cat problem disappears in The Invisible Mouse after he falls into a bottle of invisible ink. How to catch dinner while not making a sound - one that can wake up bulldog Spike - is Tom's touchy dilemma in the Oscar winner Quiet Please! Whosever side you're on, you're the winner when you join the pursuit of these timeless cartoon classics.

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