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Walled In (2008)


Titulo Original: Walled In
Tamanho: 724.70 MB
Formato: DVDRip
Idioma: Inglês
Legendas: N/A
Qualidade: XVid
Duração: 100 min
Release: VoMiT
Género: Terror | Thriller

Recent engineering graduate Sam Walcczak travels to the middle of nowhere to supervise demolition of the mysterious Malestrazza building. She soon comes face to face with the horrifying secrets of the building and its past inhabitants, many of whom were entombed alive within the walls of the pristine building by its obsessed architect.
As Sam begins to unravel the clandestine details of the architect’s life and his astonishing building, she is drawn into a dark and frightening reality which forces her to accept her own dark past and turn the tables before she becomes the last victim.

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